Professor in Chemistry Education, also interested in porous material research

S.Pd M.Pd P.hd

Habiddin is a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and currently serves as the Head of the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang. He finished his PhD in Chemistry education at The University of Reading, England, United Kingdom. His research interests are uncovering students’ conceptions using multi-tier instruments and employing these conceptions to design proper chemistry teaching; and Interactive instructional to promote conceptual change, HOTS and chemical literacy. His works have been published in several journals, including the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Macedonia Journal of Chemistry and chemical engineering, Acta Chimica Slovenica (ACSi), Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, Education Quimica and others. Currently, Habiddin is editor in Chief of Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia (J-PEK) and Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI).
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Habiddin Wuni
Professor Department of Chemistry | Department Chemistry | State University of Malang